

Here’s a few articles about Storyville, New Orlean’s old vice quarter. These articles include photos from EJ Bellocq, a photographer that hung out in Storville and took pictures of the prostitutes who worked it.


Photos of North Korea


While unsanctioned photographs are forbidden by the North Korean government, there are a few photographers willing to risk their lives.

Michael Huniewicz is one of those photographers. Here is part one of his journey in North Korea and here is part two. Part one is his entry into the country from China and part two is his time around Pyongyang.

Another is Elliott from the blog Earth NutShell. The one-named photog has traveled all over and has great pictures of the North Korean country side, Pyongyang, the DMZ and even a North Korean golf course.

The last I’ll feature is from Eric Laffourge who’s very pretty website showcases pictures he took of North Korean people and some of the surrounding sites.

Pictures of Tehran

11992114295_979875cef7_oTo get a sense of what Tehran looks like I’m going to link to a few photo galleries from photographers on Flikr to get a sense of how big the city is and what it would look like if you walked down the street.

Mehrdad Rajabi – Great scenic shots of Tehran during the day and at night

-sina- I’m linking to his general page. He has made 4 trips to Tehran. A lot of great street shots.

Roland Wich – Tehran and other shots of Iran

El-Len – I’m linking to her ‘people of Iran’ photo album but it’s worth it to go back to her gallery to see the rest of her pictures.

Boris Le Montagner – more people of Iran


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