Maps and Numbers

For those of you curious about statistics in the Appalachian region in terms of poverty, unemployment, population and education, here are some maps and statistics to help understand where the Appalachian region has been at since 1980.

Appalachian Regional Commission: Maps

Community Commons: Mapping Poverty in the Appalachian Region



Valley Forge Military Academy

If you’re wondering about Valley Forge Military Academy, where Wes’s mother sent him to get his act right, here is a site with a lot of information about it.

The Other Wes Moore


Our book for June is going to beĀ The Other Wes Moore by Wes Moore. The discussion is on June 20th due to the fact that I have an out of state wedding on the 27th. So please mark that down!

As always if you have a friend who wants to join us, we have copies of the current discussion book behind the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor.

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