Ocean Vuong Interview

Here is an interview Ocean Vuong did with PBS NewsHour

Barbara Demick Lecture

Here is a lecture Barbara Demick gave at BYU’s Kennedy Center. Just a note: there’s some buzzing in the PA system at the lecture site. It is not your computer.


One of the things that I want to discuss for this book is the concept of a memoir. Here are some articles that look at how the memoir has been seen over time and how the memoir is viewed now. I am going to print out some of these articles and discuss some passages with the group.

New York Times: The Problem With Memoirs  printed 1/28/2011

History Hoydens: The Trouble With Memoirs 1/27/2009

HTML Giant: Get Me Up Close to the Lives of Others 1/31/2011

The Rumpus: Conversations With Writers Braver Than Me  1/24/2011

SheWrites: Part II, The Problem With Memoirs 1/12/2017

Slate: A Brief History of Memoir Bashing 3/30/2007


How To Read a Graphic Novel

For many of us in the group this is our first foray into graphic novels. In case you needed a little background on how to approach or read graphic novels, here’s a a helpful guide from artist/writer/creator Jessica Abel and a TEDx conference video from Associate Dartmouth Professor Michael Chaney that give a little background on why comics are “serious” now, how you go about reading them and why graphic novels contain an intimacy or power that print novels and movies do not.




Interview with Roz Chast

Here is a video interview Roz Chast did at the Miami Book Fair:

The Next Book: Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant?


The October book will be Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant?  by Roz Chast. Reminder: the discussion for this book will be October 24th from 7-8pm in the 3rd floor Board Room. As always there are copies available behind the Circulation Desk for people who wish to join us for the discussion or just read what we’re reading.

Interview: Author Yong Chen

Here is a radio interview from Southern California Public Radio with Yong Chen. It covers a lot of what is in the book.

Tehran Traffic

While Hooman Majd gives a very succinct description of being a pedestrian in Tehran, it helps to see what exactly he might have dealt with every day. So here are some YouTube videos just showing traffic along with street scenes in Tehran. The last video is a POV of someone crossing the street!


Iran and Islam


This post is about explaining Iran’s special place in the Islamic world. Here are some great articles on Khomeini-ism, the conflict been different religious branches, and Iran’s evolving views on theocracy and populism with an Islamic framework.

U.S. Institute of Peace – The Iran Primer: Iran and Islam

Places of Peace and Power – Shi’a Islam

Council on Foreign Relations – Religion and Politics in Iran

Stratfor – In Iran, Political Change At a Measured Pace

Al-Jazeera – Iran’s Election Campaigns

Pew Research – Restrictions on Women’s Religious Attire (world)

New York Times – Cautiously, Iranians Reclaim Public Spaces and Liberties Long Suppressed




A Timeline of Iran’s History

Many of you will remember Jimmy Carter/Ronald Reagan’s Iran Hostage crisis  but might not know much about Iran’s before or after that crisis. Here are some helpful timelines that encompass Iran’s ancient history to it’s modern history. Here is a great analysis of Iran-U.S. relations from Congressional Quarterly.


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