Liberty Heights Avenue and Garrison Boulivard

Here’s a Google Map of the author’s Blatimore neighborhood. Like before, take a walk around with Google’s street feature.



Here’s a great resource in giving statistics on the city of Baltimore. Interesting map options include: violent crime density, median age, and poor family by family type: female, no husbands present and family type: married couple-family .

Crime stats from Baltimore County. Includes graphs and local crime trends.

Here are some articles about criminal recidivism in Baltimore:

Ex-offenders less likely to return to prison, Maryland officials say – 2013

Job training at Maryland prison may aid recidivism rates – 2015?

Baltimore Citywide Ex-offender Task Force Report and Recommendations – 2003



Wes Moore Interview

Here’s a brief interview with Wes Moore that summarizes the book pretty neatly.

The Other Wes Moore


Our book for June is going to be The Other Wes Moore by Wes Moore. The discussion is on June 20th due to the fact that I have an out of state wedding on the 27th. So please mark that down!

As always if you have a friend who wants to join us, we have copies of the current discussion book behind the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor.

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