Mount Vernon, History and Present

For those craving a little more about Mount Vernon than just what Andrea Wulf gives in the book (and it’s a lot!), here are some direct sources to learn about the history of Mount Vernon as well as some snapshots of what it looks like today.

Brought to us by the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association, we have a treasure trove of free online archives and information about Mount Vernon.

This link will bring you to the history of the estate, from Lieutenant Colonel John Washington to President George Washington. There are many helpful citations and maps to go with the narrative.

This link goes into great detail about the Vaughn Plan, shown by Wulf on p. 24.

This is an interactive map of Mount Vernon. For those interested, here are all of the maps, including maps drawn by Washington himself of the estate as well as wartime maps.

To see what Mount Vernon looks like now, take a Virtual Tour.

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