Facts About Autism

Just in case you need to wrap your head around the current realities of Autism in the world, I’m going to put up links to some great resources to learn more about it.

Illinois Autism Society: Latest Autism Statistics 

Autism Speaks – Autism at 70 – a reaction to a New England Journal of Medicine article and a brief historical timeline of Autism

Autism Speaks – Learn the Signs of Autism

National Institute of Health – Communication Problems in Children With Autism Disorder

Disability Scoop – Learn about some current Autism news stories

Excellent Local and National Organizations to Know About:

Giant Steps

Illinois Autism Society 

NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)

Autism Speaks


Naoki Typing/Television Interview

In the first post about Naoki from the Japan Times, we got to see some pictures of him using the alphabet board. Now let’s see him actually using the keyboard and alphabet board to communicate.

Once again: this interview is entirely in Japanese. It is in 3 parts. I’ve cued part 1 to begin at 6:03 when the interviewer is speaking with Naoki. To respond, he is using his laptop and the alphabet board. I am showing this to show you what it is like for Naoki to communicate in real time as well as a taste of what it is like for him to write the book.

In part 2 Naoki is talking with David Mitchell and his mother and using the alphabet board to communicate more fully.

Even though it is entirely in Japanese without any English subtitles, it is still worthwhile to see Naoki interacting with people to understand the impact of his words through the book we are reading. Part 3 is still worth checking out if you have time. To find it, click on the YouTube icon in the corner of the video and look in the ‘Up Next’ column on the right for Part 3.

Naoki’s Blog

Here is a link to Naoki’s blog: http://higashida999.blog77.fc2.com// 

But here’s the deal: it is entirely in Japanese (of course). So if you want to read it and you are running Internet Explorer you are out of luck. If you read it in Google Chrome it will ask if you want to translate it into English and it will do it for you. In Firefox you will have to get an add-on by going into the menu, selecting ‘add-ons’ and searching for a translator.

It won’t be a perfect translation but you’ll at least get a sense of what Naoki is like as an adult.

Naoki Higashida – A Primer


In case you want to know a little bit about Naoki before you start the book, here’s an article from the Japan Times from March of 2015. It brings together how British author David Mitchell became acquainted with Naoki and briefly covers how Naoki communicates with the world, writes his books (18 published in Japan), and his mother’s view on his condition.

The Reason I Jump


For February 2016 we are reading The Reason I Jump: The Inner Voice of a Thirteen-Year Old Boy with Autism by Naoki Higashida for our February 29th discussion.

As always if you didn’t pick up your copy of this month’s book at the last discussion, you can pick it up at at the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor.

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