Ocean Vuong Interview

Here is an interview Ocean Vuong did with PBS NewsHour


Here’s some more on the history of Chinatowns, their necessity, and their place in society now.

PBS: Chinatown Resource Guide 

Chicago Chinatown Chamber of Commerce: The History of Chinatown/Visitor’s Guide (PDF)

HuffingtonPost: How Racism Created America’s Chinatowns

Chinatownology: Chinatowns of the World

Mother Nature Network: 10 Best Chinatowns in the US

History of Chinese Immigration

Larger Image

Courtesy of UC Berkeley, Bancroft Library

If you want to learn more about the history of Chinese immigration to America, check out these sources:

Migration Policy Institute: Chinese Immigrants in the United States

Department of State, Office of the Historian: Chinese Immigration and the Chinese Exclusion Acts

PBS, History Detectives: The Life of Chinese Immigrant

National Women’s History Museum: Chinese American Woman: A History of Resilience and Resistance

Golden Venture: Chinese Immigration to the US

University of California: Pictures of 20th Century Immigration

Interview: Author Yong Chen

Here is a radio interview from Southern California Public Radio with Yong Chen. It covers a lot of what is in the book.

Next Book: Chop Suey, USA

Chop suey usa book cover chop suey USA

September’s book is Chop Suey, USA by Yong Chen, professor at UC Irvine. The discussion will be September 26th, usual time and place. Anyone interested in joining our discussion can pick up a book at the Circulation Desk.

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